Activity Authority

Affiliates – How it Works

Maui affiliate

Welcome, Activity Authority Affiliate!

How Does It Works?

In order to become an affiliate of Activity Authority you’ll need to apply by contacting us. Share your website(s) and let us know what kind of traffic you get per month. We review every application and if you’re approved, You’ll usually hear from us within a week.

Commissions and Payouts:
You’ll earn 5% commission when a customer purchases activities.

Here is a general idea-

Snorkeling Tour for 2 Adults – $268 x .05 = $13.40 payout
Luau for a Family of 4- $476 x .05 = $23.80 payout
Helicopter Ride for 2 Adults- $460 x .05 = $23 payout

As you can see, a few bookings a month can help increase your bank account easily!
Payouts are processed at the beginning of each month and are done via check or Paypal depending on your preference. The minimum payout balance is $50 to receive a Paypal payment or check from us. Referrals will be paid out after customers activity date and any pending refunds.

We use cookies to track your guests purchases on our site. The cookie will last 30 days so every purchase they make across our site for that time period will be awarded a referral commission to you.

Link Tracking:
Once you’ve submitted your domain name(s) for direct link tracking. Once approved, every sale that comes from your site will be awarded a commission. No longer will you need to setup individual referral links for each product or page, just pick the products and pages you like from our site and link directly to them, its as easy as that!

Affiliate for Travel Agents/Professionals
If your a travel agent or travel professional and looking for the easiest way to earn commissions on tours and activities just apply to our affiliate program in the same manner as our normal affiliates. 

Refunded Purchases:
Unfortunately sometimes guests change their mind, activities get cancelled due to weather or a myriad of other reasons for refunds. If a purchase is refunded for any reason the affiliate commission will not be paid out.
We reserve the right to reject affiliate commissions for any reason.

Promoting Us:
Shoot us a line and we would be happy to assist you in some of the best practices for promoting Activity Authority. We’re also happy to build materials for you! Check out an example banner you can use right away!

Mahalo for joining our program and we look forward to working with you! Have a wonderful day and lots of Aloha from Maui!

If you have more questions, give us a shout or check out the Terms and Conditions.