
Maui Whale Watching Tours


About Maui Whale Watching


humpback whaleIf you’ve been on a whale watch trip, and you didn’t find it life-changing, you didn’t go whale watching in Maui during season.  From mid-December to mid-March, every year our waters are filled with humpback whales returning home from Alaska to mate and give birth.  The islands that make up Maui County offer protection from predators, which brings whales home every single year.

You’ll likely see a variety of surface behavior on your trip.   Most common are pec slaps and whale tails, but more than often you’ll be treated to a massive breach or 10.

On each trip you’ll be given pupus and drinks as well as narration from naturalists.  These whale experts are there to answer questions and help you get the most out of the experience.  Some vessels will even put down a microphone allowing guests a chance to hear them sing underwater.

The team at Activity Authority makes a point to go on at least 5 whale watches each season.  It never gets old!


Maui whales

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