Visiting Bali, Indonesia

April 30, 2024

Visiting Bali is like stepping into a dream where reality surpasses imagination. From the moment you set foot on this Indonesian island, you’re enveloped in a rich tapestry of culture, spirituality, and natural beauty. The vibrant streets pulse with life, offering a sensory overload of sights, sounds, and smells. Whether you’re exploring ancient temples draped in lush greenery, surrendering to the tranquil rhythm of Balinese dance, or immersing yourself in the turquoise waters that lap against pristine beaches, Bali captivates with its unparalleled charm. Each sunrise paints the sky in hues of pink and gold, while the scent of frangipani lingers in the air, creating an atmosphere that feels both mystical and deeply serene. In Bali, time seems to stand still, allowing you to lose yourself in its enchanting allure and discover a piece of paradise unlike any other. Here is everything we have learned from visiting Bali from activities to accommodations to visa and passport information. We hope it helps you on your next visit to Bali, Indonesia.

Note: This is meant only as a reference based on our many visits to Bali for surf trips over the years, please verify any specific details such as pricing and Visa information directly with the accommodation, restaurant, government agency, or tour company before traveling to Bali.

Visiting Bali Ocean View


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Bali Trip Preparation

Taking a trip to Bali can be a daunting task. There’s a lot to think about if you want to be adequately prepared. Even so, some people quickly throw everything in a backpack and take off. It’s your choice, but we always rest easier the night before if we’ve prepared well.


Bali Preparation Checklist

These are things we always make sure to do before leaving for Bali:

  • Passport Acquisition or Renewal
  • Research New Visa Regulations
  • International Drivers License
  • Research Bali
  • Decide on the Time of Year For Visit
  • Decide on Locations
  • Get Vaccinations
  • Find Accommodations
  • Get Surfboards Ready
  • Prepare Money
  • Pack – Checklist

These are common items we think about every time. Everyone is different, however, so take from this what you will.

Visiting Bali Rice Fields


US Passport Information

Passports are mandatory for entry into Indonesia. You will need at least 2 blank pages as required by the Indonesian government. Also, make sure it’s valid for at least 6 months past the date of your departure. Realizing that it will expire before the 6-month mark upon arrival can be an ugly surprise, and the last thing you want to happen is to be forced to leave the country for overlooking this seemingly small detail. A visa will also be required and you can find out more on our Bali Visa page.


International Drivers License

*Prices are from 2018.

If you want to drive a motorbike or car in Indonesia, we highly suggest getting an International Drivers License. You can get one for around $15 USD plus a little extra for postage through AAA. You don’t have to be a member, either.

This is important because if you do get pulled over, you will get a ticket that will most likely outweigh the small $15-20 cost of the license. If you get in an accident, you’re in a little better of a place too, though not great. If it’s your fault, you’re screwed. You better be ready to shell out cash. Not fun!

We suggest hiring cars with a driver. You can negotiate for pretty good rates. You shouldn’t be paying more than $40-50 USD for the entire group for a full day of driving around. This includes gas, the driver, any tolls, and a full day of driving. It’s best to get a van with a small group for the day – you’ll save money and take on none of the liability.

Visiting Bali Street


Research Bali

Well, you’ve started in a good place. Keep looking around on the web, but also go out and buy some guidebooks. Some Bali Guidebooks we suggest are:

  • Surfing Indonesia – A Search for the World’s Most Perfect Waves (Periplus Action Guides) – This one is a must for surfers. It breaks down all the well-known surf spots in detail.
  • Bali & Lombok (Insight Guides by Discovery Channel) – An excellent guidebook on Bali. It even comes with a fold-out map.
  • Indonesia – A Quick Guide To Customs & Etiquette (Culture Smart!) – A quick little read that will better acquaint you with traditions and customs.
  • Bali – The Island of the Gods (Periplus Guide to Bali) – We got more out of the Discovery Channel book, but this one is more in-depth as far as history and culture.


What Time of Year is Best to Visit?

This is entirely up to your preferences. If you want less tourism, go in the rainy season from October to April. Keep in mind that with the rain comes a lot of humidity. The most rain comes between December and February.

If you want better surf and better weather, go in the dry season between May and September. You may still get rainfall, but the weather will be better. The waves will also be better, and with the waves come the crowds.

Visiting Bali Temple


Bali Disease Info – What Vaccinations Do I Need?

Though Typhoid and Malaria do occur on Bali as well as on the outer islands, they are less common afflictions in the southern areas of Bali. Dengue Fever is also a problem, but again, it is less likely in the south. (Though we do personally know at least a couple of people who have gotten it in this area.)

Although it is not required to show proof of vaccination when visiting Indonesia, we highly recommend that you get the following:

  • Hepatitis A Vaccine
  • Tdap – Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis

Other diseases to be aware of and possibly get vaccines for:

  • Hepatitis B
  • Polio
  • Typhoid
  • Malaria
  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Herpes B (Monkey Bites)
  • Rabies (Monkey and Dog Bites)

It’s also advisable to begin taking probiotics before you visit in order to lessen your chances of ‘Bali Belly’ (aka traveler’s diarrhea), though it’s still a fairly common probability for new visitors to the island. You may also want to see your doctor for some powerful anti-diarrheal pills, and if you can get drops for ear infections, you’d be better off bringing them.


Bali Accommodations

You can find accommodations in Bali without booking ahead of time (especially in the off-season), but we don’t recommend it. Sometimes you’ll stumble on an amazing deal at a place that no one has heard of, but having places lined up beforehand makes for less stress. Sites like Airbnb and are popular for great deals on accommodations in all areas of the island, but check out our recommendations for Bali Accommodations.

Visiting Bali Accommodations


Where to Go in Bali

Before you finish preparations, you should decide where you want to go. Most people stick to the southern portion of the island. You also may need to prepare for cooler climates at higher altitudes and much wetter areas.

At least loosely research and look into the areas that appeal to you. This way you can better prepare yourself for an amazing trip! Use the menu below to help you navigate.


Bali Activities | Bali Regions | Bali Accommodations


Visiting Bali Town Map


Surfboards and Equipment

You’re going to want to make sure you’re equipped with the right boards. Make sure you have a rash guard, extra leash, plenty of wax, sunblock (they charge an arm and a leg for it), reef booties, earplugs, and fins. Board shorts should be packed, but keep in mind that you can buy them in Bali for near to nothing.


Money & Changing Currency

We suggest hitting up the ATM at the airport for enough money to get you in a taxi and to your hotel. You can find better places to exchange money in town – we highly recommend BMC, who have many locations. Also, keep in mind that bigger bills get a better exchange rate, and they often refuse bills that are even slightly torn or damaged. We suggest going to your local bank before you leave and grabbing some large currency to exchange later on. Credit Cards are accepted in a lot of locations, but not everywhere, and you might end up paying a fortune in foreign transaction fees if you don’t check beforehand with your bank. You’ll need the local Rupiah for cabs, local vendors, and much more. Break your big Rupiah bills as much as possible. The locals seem to NEVER have change.

Many people still suggest traveler’s checks, but we have had nothing but hassle in foreign countries with this method, and I personally consider them an outdated necessity. Theft is not a very popular thing with the Hindu people of Bali, though you should still be cautious. Be especially cautious about leaving cards or cash accessible if you’re staying in an open-plan villa, and ask about in-room safes, which are often offered in higher-end rentals. If you’re really freaked out about theft, get an American Express and use your ATM card.

Some places, like Nusa Lembongan (which recently got its first ATM), are notorious for not having easy access to money, so save yourself the trouble and bring rupiah to these places.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that all of your bills are paid or on autopay, and also call your bank and credit card company to tell them where you’re going and when including any connecting flights or layovers. Otherwise, you may have your card declined or put on hold in a foreign country, and you definitely don’t want to have to deal with that while abroad.


Pack Up and Go!

Make sure to start your packing checklist early on, so that as you think of things you can add them easily. This is an example of a standard Bali Travel Checklist:

  • Cell Phones – Add international plan temporarily if necessary
  • Passports
  • PADI Dive Cards
  • Paper copies of passport, credit cards, driver’s license. (Keep in a different place)
  • International Driver Licenses
  • Currency App
  • Google Translate App
  • Light Poncho
  • First Aid Kit (hydrogen peroxide, aloe, bandaids, duct tape, Advil, Excedrin)
  • Adapters (You will find Type F and C two-prong receptors in Bali)
  • Sunscreen
  • Mosquito Spray
  • Guide Books on waves, customs, maps, etc.
  • Snacks for the Flight
  • Sleeping Pills
  • Vitamins/Probiotics
  • Socks for the Plane
  • Laptop
  • Phone Charger
  • Swimwear
  • Hat
  • Blow Dryer
  • Camera/Video Camera (lenses, memory cards, flash, flash batteries, cam batteries, tripod, adapters)
  • Books
  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, hairbrush, shampoo, conditioner, razor, floss, soap, comb)
  • Sandals
  • Clothes (sweatshirt, t-shirts, shorts, one pair of pants)
  • Surfboard
  • Surfboard Bags
  • Wax, Leash, Rash Guard, Reef Booties, Fins, Fix Kit, etc.
  • Medications
  • Itinerary / Flight Info / Hotel Info

Visiting Bali Cave


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